Ručne vyrobený kúsok ktorý, spája kvalitu a originalitu.
Vanilla, one of the most alluring and challenging scents. Did you know that it is often used as the main ingredient in the most famous perfumes? In fact, vanilla is considered a natural aphrodisiac in many cultures.” …
Head: At first, the scent is pleasantly delicious with subtle hints of musk. The scent is very mature despite the fact that it can evoke pleasant memories of childhood upon first contact.
Body: At its heart, our vanilla scent is not as sweet, it doesn’t contain as much vanillin as the pod and it smells more floral. And that’s why it stays pleasantly fresh not only during colder days but also during summer temperatures.
Base: A very high-quality base of vanilla perfume aroma was achieved through careful selection and combination of vanilla fragrance compositions. With its basic dominance, it is able to enrich your time spent in the space, where it pleasantly smells, for a long time.
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